The 10 Most Shocking Moments In Presidential Debate History
Although they can make or break a candidate, presidential debates are mostly forgettable affairs. But the most memorable blunders and one-liners tend to live on, usually with a little help from late-night talk shows and Saturday Night Live.
There will be a whole lot of gaffe potential when the eight Republican presidential candidates take the stage for tonight's debate at Reagan Library. Between Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, and Michele Bachmann, the matchup is bound to produce some made-for-meme moments.
But will the 2012 Republican contenders be able to top these hilarious gaffes and unforgettable one-liners?
President Gerald Ford's assertion that "There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe" comes as a surprise to everyone in Eastern Europe (1976)
Ronald Reagan shows the moderator who's boss (1980)
When the moderator tried to cut off Reagan's microphone at the 1980 New Hampshire primary debate he had personally financed, the Gipper famously snapped "I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Green!" What makes the moment even more baller is that Reagan got the moderator's name wrong (it was actually Breen).
Reagan later said: "I may have won the debate, the primary — and the nomination — right there."
"Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy" (1988)
After his opponent VP opponent Dan Quayle compared himself to President Kennedy, Democrat Sen. Lloyd Bentsen fired back what is perhaps the greatest one-liner in presidential debate history:
"Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy, I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy."
Bush's time crunch (1992)
President George H.W. Bush hurt everyone's feelings when he checked his watch during a debate against Bill Clinton. To be fair, he was the President of the United States, but it still made him seem callous and out of touch.
The nation voted him out of office as payback.
Ross Perot's running mate ponders the meaning of life (1992)
Decorated Naval officer James Stockdale laid bare his irrelevance, asking the audience: "Who am I? Why am I here?" Of course, no one knew how to respond. The debate went downhill from there. Stockdale turned his hearing aid off and had to ask for a question to be repeated, paced back and forth, and basically became a punchline for the rest of the election.
Al Gore's asthma attack (2000)
In the 2000 election, Gore adopted the insufferable habit of sighing every time his debate opponent said something he disagreed with. The trick got him through the primaries, but came off as condescending and annoying in his first general election debate against George W. Bush.
The sighs, combined with his infamous 'lockbox,' made Gore's debate performance rich late-night fodder. Here's the Daily Show.
Rudy Giuliani's divine intervention (2007)
The moderate Republican was in the middle of answering a question about abortion when a lightning strike knocked out his mic during the New Hampshire primary debate.
"Look, for someone who went to parochial schools all his life, this is a very frightening thing that's happening right now," Giuliani responded.
John McCain's POW joke (2008)
Responding to plans for a $1 million Woodstock Museum during a Republican primary debate, McCain replied:
"My friends, I wasn't there, I am sure it was a cultural and pharmaceutical event — I was tied up at the time."
It took everyone a second to get it, but then the crowd went wild.
Joe Biden unleashes tirade against Rudy Giuliani (2008)
After calling Giuliani "the most unqualified man since George Bush to seek the presidency," Biden went in for the kill:
“There’s only three things he mentions in a sentence — a noun and a verb and 9/11,” he said. “I mean, there’s nothing else. There’s nothing else.” And it goes on.
Obama tells Clinton he's just not that into her (2008)
During the New Hampshire Democratic primary debate, the moderator asked Sen. Hillary Clinton whether she could compete with Barack Obama's "likability."
"Well that hurts my feelings," Clinton charmingly responded. "But I'll try to go on. he's very likable — I agree with that. I don't think I'm that bad."
Barely looking up from his notes, Obama replied: "You're likable enough, Hillary."